Klum’s Korner – Homecoming

Klum's Korner

It's homecoming!! We're excited to be honoring the 1973 football team on their 50th Anniversary. Thank you if...

Klum’s Korner – Senior Night!

Klum's Korner

Seniors nights are always special in Hawaii.  Let's celebrate our Seniors and wish them aloha on their future...

National Letter of Intent Dinner

Sheraton Waikiki

Want to learn more about the new members of the Braddahhood?  Join us at our annual National Letter...

30th Annual Ed Wong Memorial Golf Tournament

Hawaii Prince Golf Club 91-1200 Fort Weaver Rd, Ewa Beach, HI, United States

It's the 30th Anniversary of our Ed Wong Memorial Golf Tournament!  Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 9...

Murphy’s Pigskin Pigout

Murphy's Bar & Grill 2 Merchant Street, Honolulu, HI, United States

You don't want to miss Murphy's Pigskin Pigout to welcome the new football season!  Join your fellow football...